- Sebastiano Tomassetti, Alessia Aquilanti, Pio Francesco Muciaccia, Gianluca Coccia, Christoph Mankel, Eduardus A.B. Koenders, Giovanni Di Nicola, A review on thermophysical properties and thermal stability of sugar alcohols as phase change materials, Journal of Energy Storage, 10.1016/j.est.2022.105456
- Peralta, Ignacio; Fachinotti, Víctor D.; Koenders, Eddie A.B.; Caggiano, Antonio, Computational design of a Massive Solar-Thermal Collector enhanced with Phase Change Materials, Energy and Buildings, 10.1016/j.enbuild.2022.112437
- Dmitry Zhilyaev, Ruud Binnekamp, A. M. Rogier Wolfert, Best Fit for Common Purpose: A Multi-Stakeholder Design Optimization Methodology for Construction Management, Energy and Buildings, 10.3390/buildings12050527
- Antonio Caggiano; Facundo Bre; Eduardus Koenders, Multiobjective Optimization of Cement-Based Panels Enhanced with Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials for Building Energy Applications, Energies, 10.26083/tuprints-00021860
- Guido Goracci; David M. Salgado; Juan J. Gaitero; Jorge S. Dolado, Electrical Conductive Properties of 3D-PrintedConcrete Composite with Carbon Nanofibers, Nanomaterials, 10.3390/nano12223939
- R. Guerrero-Avilés; M. Pelc; F. R. Geisenhof; R. T. Weitz; A. Ayuela, Rhombohedral trilayer graphene is more stable than its Bernal counterpart, Nanoscale, 10.1039/d2nr01985j
- Marvin M. Müller; Miriam Kosik; Marta Pelc; Garnett W. Bryant; Andrés Ayuela; Carsten Rockstuhl; Karolina Słowik, Modification of the optical properties of molecular chains upon coupling to adatoms, Physical Review B, 10.48550/arXiv.2110.05181
- M. Arruabarrena; A. Leonardo; M. Rodriguez-Vega; Gregory A. Fiete; A. Ayuela, Out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy in bulk ilmenite CoTiO, Physical Review B, 10.1103/physrevb.105.144425
- Mona Sam, Antonio Caggiano, Liliya Dubyey, Jean-Luc Dauvergne, Eddie Koenders, Thermo-physical and mechanical investigation of cementitious composites enhanced with microencapsulated phase change materials for thermal energy storage, Construction and Building Materials, 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.127585
- Jacek Gołaszewski, Barbara Klemczak, Aneta Smolana, Małgorzata Gołaszewska, Grzegorz Cygan, Christoph Mankel, Ignacio Peralta, Frank Röser, Eduardus A. B. Koenders, Effect of Foaming Agent, Binder and Density on the Compressive Strength and Thermal Conductivity of Ultra-Light Foam Concrete, Buildings, 10.3390/buildings12081176
- Gołaszewski Jacek, Klemczak Barbara, Smolana Aneta, Gołaszewska Małgorzata, Cygan Grzegorz, Mankel Christoph, Peralta Ignacio, Röser Frank, Koenders Eduardus A. B., Use of CSA cement in low-density foam concrete, Materialy Budowlane, 10.15199/33.2022.06.07
- Gołaszewski Jacek, Klemczak Barbara, Smolana Aneta, Gołaszewska Małgorzata, Cygan Grzegorz, Mankel Christoph, Peralta Ignacio, Röser Frank, Koenders Eduardus A. B., Effect of the type of foaming agent on the properties of ultra-low-density foam concrete, Materialy Budowlane, 10.15199/33.2022.07.08
- Barbara Klemczak, Małgorzata Gołaszewska, Jacek Gołaszewski, Heat of hydration in ultralight cementitious foams incorporating metakaolin and microencapsulated phase change material, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 10.1007/s10973-024-13357-4
- Klemczak, B., Gołaszewski, J., Cygan, G., Gołaszewska, M., Jonkers, H., Zhilyaev, D., & Koenders, E, Utilization of waste foam concrete with MPCM as a substitution material for cement in mortars, Journal of Building Engineering, 10.1016/j.jobe.2024.109284
- Klemczak, B., Koenders, E. A. B., Jonkers, H., Fachinotti, V., Mankel, C., Röser, F., Dolado, J. S., Erkizia, E., Dauvergne, J.-L., Ortega, A., Zanoni, F., Červenka, J., Düngfelder, M., Stunz, C., Zhilyaev, D., & Kolev, V. A., Ultralekki pianobeton z dodatkiem materiału zmiennofazowego do stosowania jako termoizolacja (Ultralight foamed concrete with the addition of phase change material for thermal insulation applications), Materiały Budowlane, 10.15199/33.2024.02.09
- Klemczak, B., Gołaszewski, J., Cygan, G., Smolana, A., & Gołaszewska, M., Shrinkage strains development in ultralight cementitious foams with embedded MPCM, Developments in the Built Environment, 10.1016/j.dibe.2023.100299
- Klemczak, B., Gołaszewski, J., Smolana, A., Gołaszewska, M., & Cygan, G., Shrinkage behaviour of self-compacting concrete with a high volume of fly ash and slag experimental tests and analytical assessment, Construction and Building Materials, 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.132608
- Klemczak, B., Gołaszewski, J., Cygan, G., Smolana, A., & Gołaszewska, M., Analysis of methods reducing early age shrinkage of ultra-light foam concrete with phase change material, International RILEM conference on synergising expertise towards sustainability and robustness of cement-based materials and concrete structures. SynerCrete’23 – Volume 1, 10.1007/978-3-031-33211-1_102
G. Buchs, M. Marganska, J. W. González, K. Eimre, C. A. Pignedoli, D. Passerone, A. Ayuela, O. Gröning, and D. Bercioux. Metallic carbon nanotube quantum dots with broken symmetries as a platform for tunable terahertz detection, Applied Physics Reviews 8, 021406, 2021. Available online here.
Marvin M. Müller, Miriam Kosik, Marta Pelc, Garnett W. Bryant, Andrés Ayuela, Carsten Rockstuhl, and Karolina Słowik. From single-particle-like to interaction-mediated plasmonic resonances in graphene nanoantennas, Journal of Applied Physics 129, 093103, 2021. Available online here.
M. Izadifar, J. S. Dolado, P. Thissen, and A. Ayuela. Interactions between Reduced Graphene Oxide with Monomers of (Calcium) Silicate Hydrates: A First-Principles Study. Nanomaterials 11, 2248, 2021. Available online here.
M. N. Sam, A. Caggiano, C. Mankel, F. Röser, and E. Koenders. Thermal Energy Storage Characterization of Environmental-Friendly Bio-Based PCMs as an Alternative to Petroleum-Based Paraffin Waxes. RILEM Bookseries, 32, pp. 191–203, 2021. Available online here.
C. Mankel, A. Caggiano, A. Koenig, D. S. Schicchi, M. N. Sam, and E. Koenders. Green Cementitious Composites Made with PCM-Recycled Brick Aggregates: Thermal Energy Storage Characterization and Modelling. RILEM Bookseries, 32, pp. 179–190, 2021. Available online here.
A. Gilka-Bötzow, P. Folino, A. Maier, E. A. B. Koenders, and A. Caggiano. Triaxial failure behavior of highly porous cementitious foams used as heat insulation. Processes, 9(8), 1373, 2021. Available online here.
R. Dupuis, J. Moon, Y. Jeong, R. Taylor, S. H. Kang, H. Manzano, A. Ayuela, P. J.M. Monteiro, and J. S. Dolado. Normal and anomalous self-healing mechanism of crystalline calcium silicate hydrates. Cement and Concrete Research, 142, 106356, 2021. Available online here.
V. D. Fachinotti, F. Bre, C. Mankel, E. A. B. Koenders, and A. Caggiano. Optimization of Multilayered Walls for Building Envelopes Including PCM-Based Composites. Materials, 13, 2787, 2020. Available online here.
M. Nazari Sam, A. Caggiano, C. Mankel, and E. A. B. Koenders. A Comparative Study on the Thermal Energy Storage Performance of Bio-Based and Paraffin-Based PCMs Using DSC Procedures. Materials 13, 1705, 2020. Available online here.